This mini is sprawled on it's back, this is mostly down to the fact that it's another spare off the Venom spru and I couldn't be bothered to work out and dig out bits to make it work standing up and it does kind of work in the pose I've given it. The pistol arm came from the club bits box, it is a standard Eldar shuriken pistol arm

3 of the Blade Sworn, the one with her hands on her hips will be getting a head swop, well more like hat swop. Will be getting a Commisar and getting the hat off that and putting it on a different head. The 2nd is just a basic mini from the Venom frame, spawling and with a pistol arm, the last is the same as before, just thinking of getting a different arm on it. Will be looking for something to use as a Princess, something with a coat and will also be looking for a pirate hat to add to it.

This is the first one I did and the Venom itself, I was at first going to go with this mini as the Princess but have since changed my mind and taken the sword arm off and added a double dagger arm, as can be seen on the bottom photo

This is all 4 of the Blade Sworn along with the Venom. All are named after winds, the Vanom is Feohn, 2 of the Blade Sworn are named Pali and Haboob, I can't remember the names of the rest off the top of my head.
I am currently looking for a miniature to use as a leader.
I will be using a Void Dreamer as well and am thinking of getting a Harlequin Troupe Leader to be that model, but with a Tricorn hat and a raven I've got to be a counts as Grinx