Sorry listening to The Automatic while typing out another blog post at least this time I'm back on track and posting game stuff. So 50+ hour weeks, and 6 days a week aren't leaving me much in the way of hobby time add on a 14 year old and I've got very little chance to do any hobby work done. So first off are the bits from the Dark Talon/ Nephilim kit that I'm not using so i decided to make them into Objective Markers for The Lions Blades.Next up is my Land Raider that I've got sprayed up in a shiny black and without the Hurricane bolters or assault cannon turret being painted. I am on the look out for Land Raider las cannons and Flame Storm Cannons so I can swop out what I've got and use it to represent all 3, current, classes of Land Rainder. Lets see what the new Codex brings... These 2 photos show it next to my scratch built super heavy The Poxy Proxy Banesword. Looking at these photos I wonder how I ever thought I'd be able to class that thing as a Predator.
Friday, 21 June 2013
Working Overtime, My Ambition Gets Cast Aside
Poxy Proxy Predator,
XIX Order,
Y Geiriadur
Saturday, 15 June 2013
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
RIP Iain M Banks
It was with a great sadness that I learned on sunday of the passing of Iain M Banks one of my favourite writers. Below are a selction of photos of when I met him and his obituary in The Times on Monday 10th of June.

This was taken back in 2006 at Eastercon where I'd gone to meet some of the guys from the Iain Banks Forum, David Haddock, the one with the beard 3 in from the left had invited TMH down to have a drink with us. He sat and chatted with his fan club for over an hour and bought us all a drink saying it was the least he could do after we'd all given him so much of our money over the years and yes there was a bit of a fight over who got to keep the written order.

I'm not sure where the plushie Cuthul came from.
And these are from the 2nd time I met TMH this was at a signing tour for Surface Detail and for someone that didn't like doing that side of the job he was a great turn, funny sharp and witty, admittedly it was an easy crowd but everyone had a great night and he even accepted my rather wierd request to get the stuffed dog in the photos as I'd asked my youngest if it was okay to take him along and she was at the age when that was a funny idea and not embaressing

And some links to follow to better writers than I am
Nephilim Jetfighter For both the Lions Blades and Y Geiriadur

So I won a Nephilim Jetfighter on ebay the last weekend and it arrived at my hole during the week. Here's a picture of my Nephilim Jetfighter and my dodgy left knee before the project started

It turns out I given the last of my black spray paint to my student friend so I asked her if she had any more and I ended up with a can of blackboard paint. With the spray coat of black board paint and the canopy unpainted, dorsal and ventral views.

These next 2 photos show it after I gave a coat of Abbadon black and then added the red highlights to the edges to tie it in with Y Geiriadur, it doesn't show up to well but I had dry brushed the engines and sensors with Bolt gun metal and dry brushed the mechanicum symbols with the old metalic bronze. I was thinking of adding some screaming skull to the engine cowl which I'll layer on a couple of washes of nuln oil.

This was a test piece to see which looked better the engine cowl or the recessed wing plate and as you can read it didn't go down to well;A N~ looks botched.. but thats just my opinion, your tones are way too brightA N~ and thin that paint..P P P~ Will be adding a nuln oil wash before i'm saying it is done.N S~ Perhaps do the entire bottom in screaming skull with the nulin oil wash to replicate the attempt to make aircraft hard to see from ground. leave the top black with some sort of grey wash to make it a touch faded. Gun metal dry brush on top to bring out edges. Just my noob opinion. I like the black/red/white color scheme. But from the top, it may end up looking like the Atlanta Falcon's emblem.P P P ~ Well already got t'other engine cowl done and washed t'other one, also done the control surfaces on the tail wings with screaming skull. I think I'd do the underside Khark Stone and then wash that with nuln oil. Bit darkerF B II~ The flat nature of this model on the wings makes it suck to paint. Mine doesn't look even due to no dilution either. I like the color, but think it would look cool with the cowl and the wing in that skull. Just leave the wing emblem black? I like it though..

A ventral view of the Jetfighter showing what I'd done underneth it

Top view of the finished Nephilim Jet Fighter. The dry brushed bolt gun I edged it with is not showing up to well
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