Okay this post has sod all to do with gaming. I'm playing around with my Nokia X2 and found I can actually get onto my blog and I'm seeing if I could post. What the hell while I'm here I've just started reading Embedded by Dan Abnett, which is his own book not a Black Library publication, not got too far but it is looking very good so far, especially like the idea that people can a chip implanted into their head so that they can't swear.
In Britian we have a radio show called Desert Island Disc where a famous person talks about the 8 records they take, the one book and a single luxuray item they can take with them into exile on a Desert Island, this is my Desert Island books instead.
1 I'm a huge Iain M Banks fan as well my favourite book of his so far is Against A Dark Background which tells the story of a woman who is being hunted by a crazy cult, her stalker cousin and his cronies and her own past. Very good story my copy of this book is very very battered I've read it that much.
2my next book is called Star Warts by Patrick Tilley, when I bought this book I read it in 72 hours and I made myself read it that slowly as it was the best book I'd read in a long time. I also get the sneaky feeling that Buffy and Angel creator Josh Weedon read it as well as some elements of the back story are very close to his amazing and brilliant show Firefly.
3 My next book is The Raw Shark Texts by Steven Hall, a tail of lost love and the hero's decent into madness, there's a video on youtube of Tilda Swinton reading an extract from the book.
4 would have to be Only Forward by Michael Marshall Smith, really amazing story about a guy in a fantastical future trying to come to terms with his past.
5 is Good Omens by Terry Prattchet and Neil Gaiman about the end of the world and what happens next.
6 I'd have to say is The 2 George's by Richard Drayfus and Harry Turtledove set in an alternate America that stayed loyal to the British Crown, the story is about the seemingly unconnected crimes, the painting of The 2 George's and the shooting of Richard 'Tricky Dick' Nixon.
Next 2, and I'm bending the rules a little here, 7 would be a box set of Harry Turtledove's Great War Saga which tells the story of an, other, alternate America where the South won the American Civil War and allied itself with France and Britian and what happens when war is declared.
8 is the box set of The Horus Heresy series.
For my luxuray item I'd like to take a boat with crew

failing that a life times supply of Tequila.
And we all know Tequila does this

And of course a girl friday to keep me company on all those long sunny days, Jennifer Connely would be nice.