Tuesday 18 March 2014

William Gibson Bang On The Money Again

So along side being hugely into 40K I'm also a reader. I've only started reading William Gibson in the last couple of years, the first book I read was his Steampunk book The Difference Engine. Now William Gibson for people of my generation has s certain reputation as almost a prophet, first use of the term cyberspace and many many other concepts that are mundain now. I picked up Zero History last month and just having finished my last Horus Heresy book and Pandorax felt a bit washed out with Space Marines and needed to read something else so I started this. I read the above picture on page 23, I went and checked the publishibg date and this copy was first produced in 2010. Once again Mr. Gibson was bang on the money!


Hudson said...

So when will we learn that 'Black ICE' is a real thing?

Poxy Proxy Predator said...

Are Google glasses Virtual Light?