Wednesday, 30 August 2017
Monday, 28 August 2017
Time Keeping
My youngest daughter had arranged to come round today at 4pm but was delayed, so I played around with the spare Redemptor Dreadnought chest plate and some of the DA parts I had spare, I chopped up one of the icons from a Nephilim and roughed it up with blu tack

This is where I got bored while waiting for said youngest, at least she didn't try the whole "I'd fallen asleep" line.

I mixed up some green stuff and fitted the 3 icons to plate.
This is where I got bored while waiting for said youngest, at least she didn't try the whole "I'd fallen asleep" line.
I mixed up some green stuff and fitted the 3 icons to plate.
Saturday, 26 August 2017
Plans For The Second Redemptor Dreadnought
As I've already said, I'm buying a second one of these while down at Warhammer World, I briefly had some time at home to mess around and add some DA bits to the Hounds one to see what it'll look like.

These might be a bit big so I'm looking for some smaller icons to fit under the Aquila.

And happy with these 2.
These might be a bit big so I'm looking for some smaller icons to fit under the Aquila.
And happy with these 2.
Friday, 25 August 2017
New From Forge World, 25/08/17
Field a unit of 6 Legio Custodes Aquilon Terminators and leverage a powerful Coronus Grav-carrier to transport them into the fray with this bundle. In it, you’ll receive 2 sets of 3 Legio Custodes Aquilon Terminators:
- Each Terminator is armed with a solerite power gauntlet, with an option of adrathic destructor or lastrum storm bolter in the other hand. Three different helmets are included, with one bare head option. The breastplates, pauldrons and top plates are detailed with Imperial iconography, and there are three plumes, made up of two different designs.
and a Legio Custodes Coronus Grav-carrier:
- Principally used as a transport, the strikingly-designed Legio Custodes Coronus Grav-carrier served as the technological basis for the Pallas and Caladius grav-craft. While its primary function is transporting a unit of warriors into battle, its armaments – hull-mounted Lastrum bolt cannon and turret-mounted Arachnus blaze cannon – ensure that it is more than capable of mounting appropriately aggressive defenses.
The bundle includes 6 50mm round bases, and a 170mm oval base.
The core of the Silent Sisterhood are its Prosecutors, mercilessly effective both in attack and defence. With this bundle you’ll be able to build a 10-model Sisters of Silence Prosecutors Cadre, and a dedicated transport – the Kharon Pattern Acquisitor – with which to ferry them into battle.
It includes 2 Prosecutor Squads – these multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble in total a 10-model Prosecutor Squad, Silent Sisterhood warriors who specialise in longer-range combat with their powerful Umbra-pattern bolters. Two models can be assembled as a Sister Superior, with her own loincloth, shoulder pad, seal and choice of 2 heads.
You’ll also receive 2 Sisters of Silence Prosecutor Cadre Upgrade Sets – each of these is comprised of 10 resin components featuring 5 pairs of arms in dynamic poses holding bolt pistols, each designed to fit a specific model from the plastic Sisters of Silence Prosecutor Squad.
Not only that, but there’s also a Kharon Pattern Acquisitor – this multi-part resin kit contains the parts needed to assemble a Kharon Pattern Acquisitor, a Dedicated Transport for a Talons of the Emperor army list. It’s an interestingly shaped craft, with an almost organic-looking hull dotted all over with the vents and exhausts needed to allow its stealthy movement on the battlefield. There are two options for the access hatch – closed, with thick armour covering it, or open, with the iris door clearly visible, ready to disgorge the warriors inside. The hull contains holes for inserting 2 8mm magnets (not included) to allow you to switch between the closed and open access hatch assemblies on the fly – of course, if you strongly prefer one, you can always glue it in place. As well as these details, the Acquisitor is armed with 2 missile launchers and 2 hellion cannon, one of each placed on either side of the hull.
Supplied with 10 32mm round bases and 2 Burning of Prospero transfer sheets.
Within the ranks of the Legio Custodes, Aquilon Terminator Sodalities were employed rarely but as need dictated, particularly on those rare occasions where the Legio Custodes were required to operate under conditions designated as ‘Zone Mortalis’ or required to storm a breach. In such operations, the Legio was loathe to risk unwarranted loss of life, and the superior defences of the Aquilon Terminator armour was relied upon to mitigate the risk as much as possible as well as provide a platform of mobile heavy firepower.
This multi-part resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble three Legio Custodes Aquilon Terminators. Noticeably more complex-looking than standard Tactical Dreadnought armour, with additional integrated power systems and capacitors adding detail to the model. Each Terminator is armed with a solerite power gauntlet, with an option of adrathic destructor or lastrum storm bolter in the other hand. Three different helmets are included, with one bare head option. The breastplates, pauldrons and top plates are detailed with Imperial iconography, and there are three plumes, made up of two different designs.
This resin kit comes as 43 components, and is supplied with three 50mm round bases. Rules for the Legio Custodes Aquilon Terminators are available in The Horus Heresy Book Seven - Inferno.
The core of the Silent Sisterhood are its Prosecutors, mercilessly effective both in attack and defence. With this bundle you’ll be able to upgrade a 5-model Prosecutor Squad to represent a Prosecutor Cadre. You’ll receive:
- A Prosecutor Squad – this multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble a 5-model Prosecutor Squad, Silent Sisterhood warriors who specialise in longer-range combat with their powerful Umbra-pattern bolters. One model can be assembled as a Sister Superior, with her own loincloth, shoulder pad, seal and choice of 2 heads.
- A Sisters of Silence Prosecutor Cadre Upgrade Set – 10 resin components featuring 5 pairs of arms in dynamic poses holding bolt pistols, each designed to fit a specific model from the plastic Sisters of Silence Prosecutor Squad.
Supplied with 5 32mm round bases and a Burning of Prospero transfer sheet.
Wednesday, 23 August 2017
23/8/17 WIP
Polished off the Unnamed Lieutenant for the Hounds last night, no it's not actually Cypher this time. Got to say it does look better in black.
Arm is blu tacked on for health and safety reasons, not drilling into a lead mini, again.
And went with a dry brush of gold on the cooling fins of the Vulkite as it gas great conducting properties.
Tuesday, 22 August 2017
Sunday, 20 August 2017
Saturday, 19 August 2017
That's Prime.
Had a busy night at work so all I really got done was some priming.

Both of these guys and all the guns got a coat of Halfords Primer.
I also won another Mk 1 chaos chuck

With some modifications, I'm planning on using this as a Terminator / Gravis captain in the Hounds, I'm sure I have a Terminator sword arm some where.

And waiting to hear if this guy has shipped from the States yet.
All 4 of these Dreads are planned to be painted next month, along with a second RedemptorDreadnought.
I can also run a second Dreadnought Family Tree thread and another Dread Filled Month.
5 Dreads in one month? Going to need paint, white paint.
Both of these guys and all the guns got a coat of Halfords Primer.
I also won another Mk 1 chaos chuck
With some modifications, I'm planning on using this as a Terminator / Gravis captain in the Hounds, I'm sure I have a Terminator sword arm some where.
And waiting to hear if this guy has shipped from the States yet.
All 4 of these Dreads are planned to be painted next month, along with a second RedemptorDreadnought.
I can also run a second Dreadnought Family Tree thread and another Dread Filled Month.
5 Dreads in one month? Going to need paint, white paint.
Friday, 18 August 2017
When greenskins gather for war, their Shamans build mighty idols of Gorkamorka. Some are formed from the rubble of the Orruks’ recent conquests, mortared with noxious Squiggoth dung. Others are built using strange stone quarried in the deep places of the realms, or even incorporate volatile shards of realmstone or shadeglass within their lumpen forms. Daubed with crude sigils, lit by roaring bonfires, the idols sit silent and menacing as the Shamans dance around them and the tribes bellow their war chants. The idols soak up ever more Waaagh! energy until at last the innate magicks of the greenskins react spontaneously with those of the realms themselves.
This multi-part resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Rogue Idol. An enormous amalgamation of chunks of rock and densely packed soil, it’s covered in details – from the immense bunched fists to the eerily lifelike, hollow eyes (which can be covered with the optional mask), it’ll prove your devotion to the Waaagh! in fine style. The various surface of the model are covered in glyphs and carven symbols declaring praise to Gorkamorka, and the Idol provides some fantastic opportunity for the advanced modeller to go wild – add your own moss and extra rocks!
The Rogue Idol comes as 8 components, and is supplied with a 170x105mm oval base.
The Big Guy
I got some paint on the big guy tonight as well as chopping up another plastic Contemptor arm and giving him lots of options, Vulkite, Kheres assault cannon and multi melta.
I was painting the big guy in 2 main parts and the shoulders
I got the nuln oil wash it and got one lot of dry brushing done on the shoulders, will get a second coat on tonight.
Before I do the white on the main body.
Thursday, 17 August 2017
Amendments To The Monthly Vow
The plan is now changed.

So I slept more than I had intended to yesterday, so was awake all night, I magnets the shoulders of the Contemptor and the guns, using the Storm Lord Kheres assault cannon arm as a base, so all future Contemptor weapons can be interchangeable

And I've also gone and bought a metal Caseterferrum Venerable Dreadnought and the Deathwatch dread ( bad Proxy), the metal Venerable is coming from America so that, and the other dread & the plastic Contemptor are now bumped to next month, the Redemptor Dreadnought will be done this month and I'm still buying the Chaplian this month, the Hellblaster box is now bumped to September - October.
So I slept more than I had intended to yesterday, so was awake all night, I magnets the shoulders of the Contemptor and the guns, using the Storm Lord Kheres assault cannon arm as a base, so all future Contemptor weapons can be interchangeable
And I've also gone and bought a metal Caseterferrum Venerable Dreadnought and the Deathwatch dread ( bad Proxy), the metal Venerable is coming from America so that, and the other dread & the plastic Contemptor are now bumped to next month, the Redemptor Dreadnought will be done this month and I'm still buying the Chaplian this month, the Hellblaster box is now bumped to September - October.
Tuesday, 15 August 2017
Sunday, 13 August 2017
From Facebook During The Open Day
From adaptus astartes page, via Lords Of War
- Talked to the fw designers about titanicus. Its been pushed back for necromunda
- Paladin knights are the smallest models for it at the size of a catti terminator
- Reavers are contemptor size ish
- The warlords is between the redemptor and knight size
- And the warlord is going to be just shy of the knight
- The emp will ether be in scale with the rest at the size of a lancer or be a more manageable size tbd
- But all will now be in plastic because its been delayed
- And all of them are fully pose able but with tabs like the redemptor has
- Also the necromunda bases are Designed to fit with the mortis boards and will be their own pack at some point
- And the FW design studio is re working all aircraft atm bar the transporter
- Was talking to the tau designer about thw orca and hes started to design it and is going for a thunderbird 2 stlye. With different pods for troops tanks and suits
- Talked to the fw designers about titanicus. Its been pushed back for necromunda
- Paladin knights are the smallest models for it at the size of a catti terminator
- Reavers are contemptor size ish
- The warlords is between the redemptor and knight size
- And the warlord is going to be just shy of the knight
- The emp will ether be in scale with the rest at the size of a lancer or be a more manageable size tbd
- But all will now be in plastic because its been delayed
- And all of them are fully pose able but with tabs like the redemptor has
- Also the necromunda bases are Designed to fit with the mortis boards and will be their own pack at some point
- And the FW design studio is re working all aircraft atm bar the transporter
- Was talking to the tau designer about thw orca and hes started to design it and is going for a thunderbird 2 stlye. With different pods for troops tanks and suits
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