Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Finished Daemon Prince
Contempter Ideas
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
WIP Daemon Prince
And on a side note for the first time I've had over 700 page views in one month!
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
First Apparence?
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Daemon Prince

So my quest for a large cyber-construct continues slowly, I'm currently building a temporary model from a, I think, knock off He-Man type action figure. I've cut the legs off and glued them back on, and cut off below the knees and reacted so as to loose the squatting on the toilet pose most of the figures come with. I've also cut one arm off at teh elbow and replaced it with the other part of the pen barrel that made the Baneswords cannon although on the proper model I'll be trying to make a 3 barreled cannon as Doom Bolt is an Assault 3 shooting attack. For close combat I've started to make a big war hammer for this to be armed with. I've got plenty of work to go on this model and will be busy with it all week. Paint job is going to be really easy, black gloss over everything, then give it a dry brush with bolt gun metal and tin bits.
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Daemon Prince

My orginal plan for my Daemon Prince was going ot be a conversion of the Dreadknight, the old Iron Warriors Lord had killed one in combat and taken the suit as his own and when he accended to Daemonhood his form assumed that of the suit. But my mate was taking to me the other night about how good a model the Contemptor is and had I not had thoughts of turning that into a Daemon Prince. Thanks Julian. I currnetly can't afford one let alone the other but it has got me thinking, damn it, about making my Iron Warriors Daemon Prince out of a Contemptor instead of the Dreadknight. My plan is to get a 2nd Contemptor and find some wings and fit it with the vibro looking cannon that is cominng and a power fist with a big hammer type close combat weapon.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Rouge Trader
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Kallas's Razorback
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Finished Contemptor with others
Finished Contemptor Edited
Friday, 12 August 2011
Okay tomorrow I'll be posting the photos of the Iron Warriors Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought also I'll be posting size comparasions with my Venerable/Furioso Librarian, my Dread, my Blackreach Dread and the Chaos Dreadnought from the Space Crusade game.
My next project is going to be a Daemon Prince for the Iron Warriors. Orginal plan was going to be a minor conversion of a Grey Knight Dreadknight (may just keep this as a long term plan) but with my current cash flow I'm looking at making something out of an IG Sentinel and a muscle wrestler type of doll.
Contemptor Pattern Iron Warriors Dreadnought(Edited)
This is my Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought that arrived from Forge World a week earlier than I thought it would. So far I've only cut and cleaned the parts and laid them out in the assembly positions. Would of been nice if Forge World would send an assembly sheet out with the kit though. I intend to use my own Twin Linked Bolters on the power fists fitted to the outsides of the hands, as I feel this looks better than the in fist ones that the kit comes with. And I've got images in my head of robots firring from the outside of the fists and I can't remember where they come from. Those robots are the ABC Warriors from 2000AD and the new Cylon Warriors from the re-make of Battle Star Galatica

Cut and laid out

Part built


And a different angleSince these where taken I've repainted this into the colours of my Dark Angel Successor Chapter The Lions Blades.
Furioso Librarian Dreadnought for my Knights of Blood. Edit to include the newer version
Above is the completed Furioso Librarian Dreadnought for my Knights of Blood Chapter of Renegade Space Marines, they are what I like to refer to as Loyalish. Some times they will be fielded with the rest of my Chaos Force and some times, like the XIX, will be fielded as a Loyalist Marine force.
The second power fist has had the same paint effect used on it as the Force Weapon has as my plan is to have the Dread with the Smite psychic power and ther crystals are in the 'fingers' of the second arm. I've also added a 2nd storm bolter, I know this is against the rules for the Librarian Furioso, but it does look more kick arse this way and I feel somehow more fitting for a frenzied renegade chapter of Marines. I just have to remember that I can only fire one per turn.
This photo proberly wasn't the one that was up first time as I did the Furioso before the Contemptor.