So no missile marines, no heavy Intercessors and a potential change of plan for the Brutalis Dreadnought, along side getting my First Company up to 99 strong makes up for some of that missed target, as well as actually getting my paws on The Lion and some gaining some focus on how I'm going to at least start the Dreadnought army with 3 Blood Angels Contemptors and probably the Brutalis I have as well as. Tomorrow{Saturday} I've got the house to myself and will be going through some boxes to find all the dreads I've already painted for the Blood Angels and see what I've got that could be used if the Casterferrium dread is getting shunted into Legends.
The Target.
The Lion.
Contemptor dread weapons.
Bonus - Heavy Intercessors, missile marines.
Review Time.
Oh my goodness, 75 Terminators and 15 Blade Guard Veterans. I was surprised to find I have that many, and I quickly switched my plan to focus on the Blade Guard Veterans.
I focused on what I thought was 6 Blade Guard and found it was only 5 so had to grab one off ebay to finish this squad and take me to 96. It took time as I wanted to get each shield looking unique and like a veteran has spent time personalising his war gear.
And well when the first company is at 96 strong the only thing to do when I got my hands on The Lion was to get those Blade Guard out and make a start on them.
I wanted this squad to be gun heavy rather than mixed.

I had bought some beige primer from Halfords a while ago and used that on these thinking to wash over the primer. Then went ahead with a Zandari dust base coat, nuln oil wash, ushabati bone layer, screaming skull layer, red details on them.
And with them finished and the Leviathan box set preview at Warhammer Fest I can see that target that has literally been a day dream and nothing even remotely serious became not only concrete but also attainable. Leviathan gives me 5 that I can use to replace the 5 scratch builds, which takes me to 104, but the later individual box will make it 109 and I'm hoping I can use the Deathwing Knights bits to turn that box into those. There is also the Indomitus pattern Terminators for the Heresy rumored to be coming and if the new boys are too much work, I'll just switch the ones that I make them out of to this box. I need to check that heresy road map.
I used this dread as a test piece for The Lion, not sure if I'll use this technique beyond him either, just a few random marines that are greeny black.
I did a good job on the body and I really like it, I just wish they'd included more bits, like the knee guards and shoulders, seeing as if you buy the body and the Contemptor box it's about the same price as the resin version was and it's only the body that's got the fancy body work. The only way I'd not buy another one though is if I found a site that sells the oop DA Contemptors.