Bad news out of the way and on with Y Geiriadur ( The Unhallowed). These are my Fallen Angel Army my first Chaos Army from the new Codex. First up is the full army in the box I've currently got ready to roll, 3 squads of 10 PDF troopers, 2 Squads each of 4 bikers, 1 squad of Havocs with 4 Autocannons, a standard Marine Squad as I don't want this army to be too Chaosy, a squad of gun slinger Chosen, 2 Mordor Trolls that I'm currently working on making into Mutilators as I don't like the GW models ( if anyone asks they where one of those accidents that happend in geneseed implantation, but rather than put them down Luther inducted them and trained them up for a close assault roll. I will of course be adding massive amounts of green stuff to these to get them to pass muster as Space Marines that something went wrong with). And lastly my Fallen Angel Lord, not got a name yet but it will be something in either Welsh or one of Fallen Angel names, just spent a few minutes on an Angel Demon name generator and have decided to go with Saeh. For his war gear he has a combi plasma, a power weapon and I've given him a Combat Fimillar that is one of the Watchers in the Dark.

I'm also going to make a couple of Obliterators as well and was planning opn using Ogres or possibly Imperial Guard Ogryns but they are much, much smaller than the Trolls I'm already using so I guess I'm just going to have to blag some reason as to why they are smaller than their "cousins".