Monday, 27 February 2017

Necron Knight 26/02

Started working on this one tonight, this is purely a Chop Shop Special, built by the Great and Mighty Oz of The Emerald Empire Dynasty, rules wise it'll use the Eldar Wraith Knight as it feels better than the lumbering Imperial Knight.

The Throne, when the magnets arrive I plan to cut the ball joint on the front down and fit a couple of pairs of magnets so it can be removed for transport.

The side plates are fitted where I plan for them to be later, I just might file some areas down so they fit better.

The ribs, I had planned to fit 3 sets with minimum work, but that minimum work has gone. I'll have to cut the spine off and fit the ribs around the chest, and add a shield to the front but not sure on the number of ribs I'll be able to fit.

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Saturday, 25 February 2017

Necron Knight Update

Not had a good week hobby wise, major focus is on the game at Warhammer World on the 11th of March.
All the bits I wanted have arrived over the last couple of days.

The Ghost Ark is not only new on sprue, but was sealed as well, so I think it's a real steal for £20.

The Tomb blade will be chopped up a bit, I plan to use the pilot as a gunner.
I plan to start actual work on this tomorrow night as I have to actually do the job for which I'm paid tonight.

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Monday, 20 February 2017

Didn't End Well

Was just watching The Walking Dead and the trailer that the ambush is planned to be launched from looked familial.
Looks like things didn't end well for The Bandit and Snowman.

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Saturday, 18 February 2017

Poxy Proxy Predator/Banesword

So after BoLS getting my name work I thought I'd do a little retrospective on the Poxy Proxy Predator.

The blog title comes from this the Poxy Proxy Predator itself in all it's orange glory, with blue tacked heavy bolters and a 1:72 tiger turret. That turret is still in use, with a magnetised autocannon, on a Predator in The Lion's Blades.

This started in 09, after being made redundant from a job that I loved at Leyland Trucks, I thought I'd better have something to keep my mind active while I was looking for work. It took 2 years to find another job. In the mean time I started the blog to document my progress on Poxy. I found a large scale tank model that I was able to cut up and it fitted very well with the orange half of the technic kit box

For a while I ran it as a Predator, until I had a game with a mate and he brought a Bane blade along, the Poxy was as big so it was the first thing to get bumped from one army, I was going to start a Guard army with major cyber enhancement to denote a Skittarii army, this was before GW brought out just that army a few years later.

So one Easter I was reading through an old issue of White Dwarf that features the various super heavy tanks and I got looking at the Poxy and settled on the Banesword over the others as it didn't feel over powered , not a D weapon, and I was able to get something close weapon wise knocked up

So far the Proxy Banesword has only had a couple of games and is currently back on the list of stuff to re-work when I can find the bits that I want, cheaply.

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Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Back To The Bricks

I've built more lego this week than in the last 4 years.
On my way home today I picked up a lego Star Wars thingy that had a tiny kit of The Ghost.

I built that this afternoon after getting my teeth scoured by the dentist.
And the other night I built the technic K2

It's a similar kit to the bionicle range. I'm planning on building this into a Necron Knight

11 inches to the shoulders should be okay height wise for a Knight.

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Monday, 13 February 2017

Monthly Vow, 12th of Feb to 12th of March

With that hole that was blown in my budget I didn't plan to get much done last month, which was a good job as I got the shit kicked out of me by my depression mid month.

Both of these are currently based with ushabati bone waiting to be painted, which is planned to be this month but could slide after I opened my big mouth (more on that later).

The Predator got done, the spare turret is waiting for an Autocannon, that I'm not looking at getting that this month, (big mouth again),

The Optimus Class Librarian Dreadnought finally got finished, sort of. Going to buy some 5mmx1mm magnets for the arms.

Actually got some paint on this guy.

And no idea of where this one went.
So plans for the coming month.

Strip the Dread and re-paint in pre Magnus Thousand Sons colours,

Touch up the trim and add the enforcement badge to this one.

And firstly and lastly I plan on making a Necron Knight out of K2 a doomsday ark, I also have a tomb blade coming and am watching some bits on ebay as well.

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Saturday, 11 February 2017

Rowboat Girlyman, Possibly The Third Biggest Heretic?

Another theory post.

Here's my theory on why I believe Roberto Guilliman is actually the 3rd biggest heretic in the Imperium, behind Logar and Horus. I admit here that I haven't read the Forge World books, but I'm up to date on the Black Library books.

Minimum Impact on The Great Crusade.
In the Heresy so far there isn't much reference to Ultramarines Complience Fleets, the 2 I'm aware of are the fleet that castigated Logar and basically kicked the whole heresy off and the second fleet put an official complaint in regarding the World Eaters and Sons of Horus, after the Ultras had requested support from specialist assault factions from both Legions because they were struggling to break a siege. What was he doing while his brothers conquered the galaxy?

Betrayal At Calth
The first big conflict that the Ultras feature in, must be about concurrent with Isstvann V. The majority of his Legion is gathered at Calth with arms and material to reinforce the Word Bearers and take the fight to some Xenos, so Kor Phenon takes the elements of the Word Bearers that Logar wants shut of and attacks the Ultra. Numbers aren't mentioned but the Ultramarines have a numerical advantage, access to fleet level supplies and the advantage of knowing the ground they are fighting over, the Word Bearers have surprise. It still takes the Ultras a surprisingly long time to get the upper hand and enough Word Bearers escape to the Malestrom to keep causing trouble for the Imperium for 10,000 years. And what does he do after the attack, he consolidates the 500 Worlds, only pushing the Word Bearers out of his space.

The Ruin Storm
Or how Logar comes and plays him like a fool.
So 2 legions come with intention of raising hell, by every measure of this it's a major success for Logar, the Ultras are playing catch up all the time and Logar succeedes in getting Angron ascended to Dæmon Primarch, before pulling both armies out the other side of the 500 Worlds.
Does he chase them? No he once again consolidates in the 500 Worlds

He then sits in his palace and gathers the stragglers that turn up together and defends his own domain. He manipulates The Lion and Sanguinious into the Imperium Secondus, declaring Sanguinious as Emperor. And then when it's proven that the Emperoris still alive, he is the only one of the Trimulative that doesn't go and make a move, he once again consolidates the 500 Worlds. Even Sanguinious looks sheepish and makes preperations to move out.

The Seige Of Terra
Not there, not even moving to relieve the Seige.

Only after The Lion and Russ have chased the traitors off from Terra does Girlyman bring his, surprisingly well supplied and very strong numerically, Legion in to play "rescuing" the Imperium, after the majority of the hard work has already been done and all the other loyalist legions have had the crap knocked out of them and are down on numbers. He then instigates a system where all the other Legions are patterned on his and stations chapters all over the Imperium, one could almost use the word "garrisoned", and ensures that his Legion is the main one that the High Lords of Terra, an institution that he puts in place, pick his legions gene seed first when it comes to founding more marines.

In conclusion,
His bombing of Logar's perfect city is the trigger event of the whole heresy.
Pretty much ever other Primarch did more in the Crusade.
Set up his own Empire.
Didn't defend Terra.
Only moved his forces into play after the majority of the fighting was done.
Set up a puppet regime.
Garrisoned the Empire with his troops and ensured his troops are the prime source of reinforcements.


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Friday, 10 February 2017

Doctor Who Update

It's Capaldi's last run as the Doctor and it starts on April the 15th!

I've liked his run as the Doctor, he's just had to struggle with a lack luster Moffat writing for him.

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As I've mentioned before, I've had a pretty big hole shot into my budget by my wonderful, hard working and far away eldest daughter for the last few months, as a result I've not bought much since November.
I've been planning what I was going to buy from Warhammer World for a while but with the new plastic Cypher incoming next month my carefully structured purchasing plan has also had a hole put in it. So this morning I've gone to the bank and checked my savings account and I'll have a budget of about £150 to take down and blow, I'm expecting part 3 of the Storm series to be another £30 and I'm hoping the 2nd Trimulative is £50 which leaves me 60 for the Forge World store and some cash for food.

So while down there do I buy the laser Destroyer vindicator and finish off a the Hammer Of Caliban formation,

or do I buy the Possessed Contemptor and finish off the Chaoa Dreadnought Family Tree project?

I'm posting this tucked up in bed, after a bath trying to get to sleep before a trying shift tonight, have a selfie

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Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Fur The Emperor

This is too good not to share!
From this week's Imperial Standard;

Attention Guardsman,

It has come to our attention that the more unscrupulous of you have been using the pelts, hides and even skins of fallen xenos beasts to supplement the warmth* afforded by your combat fatigues. This is unacceptable.

Some may question why such restraint is required, but it is our conduct on the battlefield, and our ability to maintain valorous composure even in the most horrendous of circumstances, that separates us from the filthy Orks, the wretched Eldar and the foul forces of the Archenemy.

But let us not forget, this is the 41st Millennium. We are beset on all sides by the mutant, the heretic and worse. War is all the galaxy has to offer us.

In the pursuit of victory and survival, and in the name of the Holy Emperor of Mankind, you will – of course – be required to engage in deadly combat with terrifying foes that may well be trying to flay you alive, but that’s no excuse to stoop to their level. When engaging such foes, you are permitted to undertake the following actions:

Shoot the foe. This is not limited to a single las blast or round. You may continue shooting the foe until long after he has fallen, blasting apart his body until nothing remains to threaten the sanctity of the Imperium.

Cut the foe. This can take the form of a stabbing or slashing motion. You may use knives, swords and other implements to remove limbs and maim. You may even impale the foe’s body on a polearm as a warning to others of the fate that awaits them should they stray from the Emperor’s path.

Crush the foe. Whether under the iron might of a Leman Russ battle tank or the bludgeoning blows of a rock, you may mash the foe’s bones and beat him to a bloody pulp.

What you may NOT do is wear any part of the foe. Not even if they are vicious Clawed Fiends, deadly Khymerae, or ferocious Squigs.

An early draft of this week’s informational was circulated among the officers. As is encouraged, one of them raised a good question. Captain* Dzyban wondered if perhaps we were being too stringent. Couldn’t we allow troopers to remove pelts from dead enemy warriors? These hides had already been taken and defiled, what further harm could we cause?

We assure you that, despite what may look like clear evidence to the contrary, further harm can be done by draping yourself in such skins. Others may even mistake your decision as disregarding the uniform policy, seeing it as some sort of fashion choice rather than a simple need for survival. To make certain this rule is followed, you are to strip dead enemies of any pelts and put them to the flame.

In summary, violence is necessary in war, but better to die of the cold than soil your soul by embracing the corrupt or the alien.

Thought for today:
‘Be sound of mind or your argument is lost before it has begun’

* This should be taken as figurative warmth only. Nearly all Munitorum approved uniforms are temperate of climates.
Untrue. Questions are to be discouraged.
* Former rank. The dead have no rank.
Or worse, you may be mistaken for a xenos beast yourself.

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Something To Do

After getting a look at the Heresy book 7 and seeing the MP Space Wolf and England inspired Thousand Sons pre Magnus colours, I was thinking about maybe stripping the metal Bjórn and repainting it to match the early Thousand Sons

I'm also thinking of re painting the trim on the Wolf dread to match the enforcement officer.

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Tuesday, 7 February 2017

The Big Game

So avoiding points cost, just the overall cost, this list weights in at 2400 points exactly according to the red books, Battle Scribe gets it to 2355.

Legion Preator McClusky, plasma pistol master crafted plasma, iron halo, digital lasers, melta bombs

Legion Centurion , Forge Father Consul Jorghay

Legion Centurion, Primus Medicare Perrsey

Contemptor Talon, Lords Of the Legion

Contemptor, Lord Flash Heart, 2 Dreadnoughts close combat weapon both have twin linked bolters

Contemptor, Lord Blackadder, Kheres assault cannon, dreadnought close combat weapon with twin linked bolters

Dreadnought Talon The Soul of the Legion

Dreadnought The Warden In White, guardian of the Legions Rites with Plasma cannon, fist with twin linled bolter, extra armour, armoured ceramite

Dreadnought, Brailsford, The First Chaplian, twin linked auto cannon,(this looks surprisingly like an assault cannon), fist with twin linked bolterns, extra armour, armoured ceramite

Dreadnought, Herald Of The First Legion, The Wall Of Berlyn, The One Winged Angel, Volkite Culverin, fist with twin linked bolters, extra armour, armoured ceramite

Dreadnought Talon Yūeri, Veterans of the Unity Wars
Dreadnought Thunderchild, plasma cannon, fist with twin linked bolters, extra armour, armoured ceramite

Dreadnought Timberwolf , flamestorm cannon, fist with heavy flamer, extra armour, armoured ceramite

Dreadnought Boarder Reavor , twin linked auto cannon, fist with twin linked bolters, extra armour, armoured ceramite

Dreadnought Scholia Detachment

Dreadnought Silver Dart , twin linked autocannon, twin linked auto cannon, extra armour, armoured ceramite

Dreadnought The Wolf That Stalks The Stars , twin linked auto cannon, fist with twin linked bolters, extra armour, armoured ceramite

Dreadnought Forge Breaker, multi melta, 2 hunter killer missiles, chain fist with twin linked bolters, extra armour, armoured ceramite

At least it'll look good on the table!

On a side note that was the busiest weekend I've had in a while, with over 1500 views from Friday to Sunday!

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Sunday, 5 February 2017

Sunday At The Heresy Weekender 17

The Sisters Battle Bus was out on display and other stuff culled from various facebook groups and chats

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