Sunday 23 July 2023

Leviathan Librarian And Ballistus Dreadnought

 To start off can I just say the light this weekend has been terrible, when I say it's been raining all weekend I mean it started to rain at stupid o'clock Saturday morning and isn't set to stop until Monday, so grey twilight to paint on.

I finished off the Ballistus Dreadnought and gave it a name, Sandelphode. In Good Omens he's named as one of the Angels that smote Sodom and Gomorrah which seemed fitting for the amount of fire power he'll put out.

I also got the Leviathan Terminator Librarian finished yesterday.
Started off with a thousand sons blue in the engraved parts of the armour then did temple guard blue on top, but when I came to do the cantor blue it just didn't work.
On the leg armour I ended up dry brushing the cantor blue on over the thousand sons blue.the rest of the mini had Cantor blue base and an agrax earthshade wash. I hit it with a Cantor blue dry brush and then a thousand sons blue on the engravings and then a highlight of temple guard. The pipe work and esoteric markings all got the temple guard blue highlights.

I still need to do the paper in the book and the skull on the base, which I should be able to get done tomorrow when I get home from work.

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