Tuesday 18 July 2023

The Ballistics Dreadnought

 Next kit from the Leviathan box, and a favourite of mine, the Dreadnought.

Wow I'm impressed with the ease that this goes together, I started a 10 minute video on YouTube, I'd finished building this before the video finished. If you've built a Redemptor dread you know how difficult the legs can be. This kit has the groin as 2 push fit bits the legs are both 2 piece push fits connecting to the groin at the hips and pushing into the feet.

The body is 3 major parts with 2 pipes and the 2 exhaust covers at the back pushed in.

The weapons go in better than the regular kit version.

I would be very happy if GW took the body of this kit and used it for the redemptor dread in general with just the arms and the extra armour on the Brutalis version as options in the box.

It's currently in the shed getting primed and I'm trying the Baal red contrast on this one as it will be the first one for the Dreadnought army.

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