Thursday 24 August 2023

Birthday Present For The Youngest.


I bought this helmet with the mind to make a Steel Legion cos play which fell through rapidly.

So plan B was to paint it up as Tank Girl for my youngest daughters birthday, there's a pair of goggles on the way and a throwing star to try and stick to it. The arrow and knife aren't something I'm planning to add as they're a knife and an arrow. I did find a plastic knife I could use but and I could use magnets but I'm not sure I've got the time to file where I cut to blend it into the helmet, and finding a single arrow isn't easy. 

Wednesday 9 August 2023

Monthly Vow August The 12th to September The 12th

Hit my target!

Everything I listed for this month has been achieved, I admit the Infernus Squad aren't 100% done but as I seriously doubt I'll be using them at any time soon, I'm okay with not doing the belts and pouches. The reason I'm doing this post early is because my kids are moving out and this coffee table is going with them, so it needs clearing.

Target for September.
Start on the Dreadnoughts for the Blood Angels I think is first and I'll be able to keep that box downstairs while I work out of it and see how far I can get with that 

Review Time.

The first thing was the orange to red blending on a free intercessor the Bolton GW store let me have to practice that blending technique.

Next up was the reason for the advice, and yet another reason I'm going to look an idot if I'm wrong about Beliel getting an update, the Leviathan box Terminator Captain.
Honestly I'm really happy with how this has come out.

Those Leviathan Terminators got finished, and takes my 1st Company back to 99 as I retire one of the scratch builds.

The Sternguard Squad are finished but I don't seem to have any photos of the squad.

There we are, found the completed photo of the Sternguard Squad, plan A is these are an upgrade to a Company Veteran Squad.

The Apothecary was painted at the same time as the Sternguard Squad, there's a better photo later, possibly with the textured base done..

I used Phobos Lieutenant as a practice piece for the Dreadnoughts with the Baal Red contrast paint.

So this guy, the Ballistus Redemptor Dreadnought, this is an easy build kit and has the best shoulder joints to date on these dreads. The legs and hips are much better than the full kit, I really do prefer this kit over the full kit.

The Librarian, again these push fit kits are a step up from the Indomitus box.

Here's a selection of photos of the completed minis posing with the Screaming Killer.

I finished this one off with a coat of Baal Red contrast and an Agrax Earthshade wash.

The Infernus Squad is done, even though it isn't finished, I don't think currently that I'm going to use this squad as it is .

So from Sunday I'll have the house to myself and a new set up, they'll be a few upgrades going forward, at this time I'm keeping the desk, I'm looking at led lights for that corner of the room, the second of the old sofas is going to get replaced with a chair and an office chair for working at the desk but that's some time off yet.

Friday 4 August 2023

Infernus Squad

 With my work life balance being firmly on the side of work this week and next I'm looking at doing little bits on the Infernus Squad each night.

Last night I just worked on the seals and the eye lenses, the plan is to touch up the black and the Aquila and the seals left to finish. So these are nearly finished, next up will be the Nephilm Jet Fighter