Goramit! Picked the Rhino up on Monday and once home today started taking it apart. Got the tracks off but have come across what could be the best assembled old Rhinos I've bought off Ebay.
Top photo from out of the box.
2nd photo tracks off, inner plates stuck on rather well. Need to cut and clean the body up as I intend to use the hull as the cockpit of my Scout Titan. Picked up some super glue and come Friday I'll be triming wheels off the plates and glueing them back onto the tracks, tomorrow I intend to set off slightly early to get in the art store on the way there and see if they have plasticard as the craft store didn't. If they do I'll be spending Friday making the body of the Madtodon and covers for the weapon arms on the Titan.
Wednesday 30 October 2013
Codex Inquisitor Cover released!
As Games Workshop Digital have reached 5000 likes they have released the cover art for Codex Inquisitor as a thank you/tease. Here you go guys fill your boots
Below is the cover art from Codex Inquisitor!
Tuesday 29 October 2013
Wibbly Wobbly 300th Post
So if anyone has been looking at my back archive you'll see some of the old photos are back (or at least as close as I can get with the distance of time from then to now), and deleted a few old posts that aren't relevent now, so 300 has come and gone a couple of times now.
So may just be going back over something I've already said with this post, but I'm okay with that.
Knights of Blood- Carchadons
So after reading the Forge World update I'm really torn about what I'm doing next, do I paint the marines that I've got spare as Knights Of Blood and play them as counts as Carchadons until/if Knights of Blood get a suppliment or do I just paint them up as Carchadons? Some pics of characters for this army below.
Monday 28 October 2013
Painting And Posing.
Before the storm of the decade hit yesterday, your train us delayed because of leaves on the line still being attached to the tree thats fallen over, I took the walker legs out into the yard with my can of gloss black and gave it a coat of paint so I could at least feel like I'd done something on the Titan. On the way into work I stopped off at a craft store to see if they had any plasticard as no one has picked any up for me. Locked my bike up, took my lights off went up to the door only to findcit doesn't open untill 9.30, checked the time and thats 20 minutes standing around in the cold rain or going into work half an early, getting breakfast, coffee and dry clothes on, and opted for the latter as I have a 4pm finish tomorrow and can get there before they close. So pictures, top is with legs spread wide to paint the top, 2nd is the pose I would get a slap for if I asked a woman to do and 3rd is finshed iny kitchen. Will be painting it up with Wazzdakka red on Wednesday or at least starting as there's a lot of leg.
Thursday 24 October 2013
Rumored Space Wolf Flyer Spotted
While I normally avoid rumors, I did dig this one up this morning. Space Wolves have a not a single flyer, but a squad of flying wolves to take out those enemy flyers.
Below is a "concept" for this new unit.
Yes this is a joke post for my 300 published post.
Wednesday 23 October 2013
Wow 300 posts and people all over the world are reading them, makes me feel good to know my messy living room has been viewed world wide!
Right back on track, I had a glass is all ways full moment the other day when it comes to the cockpit for the Titan; I'm getting an old Rhino for it's tracks, I need a cockpit for the Titan. I'll have a Rhino hull that could well be going in the bin, can I not use that as my cockpit/ head? Will need magnets of course for this and the front panel in my bits box, but I think I could get this to work, also I could get the hurricane bolters as anti infantry weapons on the sides of this. The image in this post is the, I belive to be, one of the first pair of Titans built for 40K, back in the days before Apocalypes had even been thought of as a concept. I know 2 where made, 1 Loyal and 1 Chaos but beyond that I don't know much about this model.