Wednesday 22 February 2023

Scorpius Missile Tank


The Scorpius Missile Tank is finished for The Lion's Blades.

I do like the kit and would get the Heresy Rhino kit again as its a nice looking tank, with plenty of position options if you're sensible and don't glue the launcher in place. 

Picked up the box with my 2nd Spartan in this morning and got that primed and a base coat of black spray. I also got 2 of the dreads out of their box and got a base coat of black on them as well.

Those Ultramarines icons got removed and some DA ones are being painted to replace them.

Contemptor Twins Complete

 The magnets arrived over the weekend and yesterday morning I made a start on getting the weapons that come with the plastic Contemptor sorted.

It's 4mmx1mm with 2 in the elbow, I'd under ordered on the magnets and got less than I intended so had to improvise a bit and dropped the number of magnets in the weapons to 1, and that 1 is on the outside. 

Close observation with note that the multi melta isn't mounted at any point, this would be because Ive lost one, the plan will be when the resin Legion bodies are released, get a 3rd for this Talon, get more magnets, probably get more spray, and then paint that one.

Today's task is get the package missed yesterday from the post office depot, get the Whirlwind higighted and detailed, and then work at 5pn.

Monday 20 February 2023

My 2nd Spartan

Got my mk 2 Spartan started, will be spraying the quad Las cannons when the new on sprue one arrives this week.

The magnets for the plastic Contemptor dreads arrived over the weekend and I'll have a go at gluing those tomorrow.

Need to get the box down with the whirlwinds and the mk1 Spartan as well, so I can finish the Scorpius in the same style. 

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Painting Days

 Yesterday I started with the Cataphractii Terminators and got them finished off. If I'm doing more 1st Company I think I'll invest in some biege primer and save myself a step in the painting process.

Both Contemptor dreads are now waiting for magnets for the weapon arms. Which should land next week. 

I decided on what decoration to use on the Spartan and got it and the Scorpius painted in black. My next Spartan and the Land Raider Proteus are both getting a black spray on the sprue. 

When I'm free next, I'll probably start the dreads and get them finished, then the Scorpius and lastly the Spartan, hopefully I can get everything finished this month. 

Monday 13 February 2023

Scorpius Missile Tank Built


Had enough time this morning to get this together.

The Rhino itself is a better build than the older version was, the side hatches are a nice interference fit and aren't glued on, same with the drivers hatches. 

The Scorpius Missile Launcher is fiddly to put together, but it has a geared insertion point, meaning you can just push it, pull it out and pop it back in at a different angle. 

Today is Christmas, so others are doing stuff while I finished this. Plan to build the Contemptor arms tonight and get the hips and abdominal areas glued around watching The Last Of Us tonight. Which means painting Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Sunday 12 February 2023

Monthly Vow January 1st To The 12th Of February


Yeah back to the grind!

Well bar the bikes everything in that picture is my to do before the 12th of March, the Spartan, 2 Contemptors, the 5 Cataphractii Terminators and last up is the Scorpius Missile Tank. I do need to relocate the Contemptor magnetising video and potentially buy more magnets for all these guns.

Paint plan is everything below. 

Review Time. 

I got hold of the bikes from Conquest. Took me a while to get them done and the bases still need finishing but I've barely had time to touch anything since I got the bikes done.

Okay I splurged at the end of January as I had cash left and treated myself to a couple of Contemptors, then a mate pointed out the Spartan and the Cataphractii and then the Scorpius Missile Tank came back in stock, so I ordered that along with the World Eaters Codex, to get some of the background on them now. Everything arrived at the end of the week.

Everything was primed Saturday except the Spartan as that would probably take a rattle can of primer and a rattle can of satin black. 

The Terminators got a spray with what was left of a can of Wraithbone. They got put together today and I need to get the screaming (beige) skull out as well nuln oil and evil sun's scarlet to finish them off. 

The new plastic Contemptor, it's a fiddly build, but that's probably a me issue, it's very posable and yep I'm getting a third when the Legion bodies get released by Forge World. 

The last thing primed and based was the Scorpius Missile Tank. I focused more on building and cooking today and didn't get around to building this new iteration of the Rhino today, going to probably get the tank built on Tuesday as we're having Christmas tomorrow as we were all ill. 

Saturday 11 February 2023

Now I Have A 2nd Spartan


It arrived yesterday! I'm so excited to paint this one. Out in the shed getting primed are 2 Contemptor dreads, a 3rd will be added to this Talon when the Legion bodies get released by Forge World, 

and the 5 Cataphractii Terminators,

 plan A is shopping for tonight's & tomorrow's tea, finish priming the sprues and base coat. 

As you can see, this happened. 

And then about 5pm these arrived, I got them out of the box, not read the codex yet, but got the box opened and had a, look at the sprues, will be getting those primes and black tomorrow now as a main aim, with some building work folded in 

Thursday 9 February 2023

Even Latester Updates

 In the middle of a week at work and yesterday I got a message from a mate telling me about the above tank and Cataphractii Terminators for sale, as I was planning on buying the Terminators and at least 1 Spartan this year, I bit the bullet and bought both. They're on their way to me, and with 4 days off together, hopefully I can get something painted during those days. Still no email from GW if the Scorpius Missile Tank is on its way yet with the World Eaters codex. So it's looking like it's an armoury expanding month between February and March. 

Tuesday 7 February 2023

Updates To The Little Bits

 Got the 10th Company in there own box, the 5th Company box needs both space and time to through so will either be done in batches of a squad at a time or when I have the house to myself for a couple of days.

In buying news,I bought another Ravenwing accessory sprue as I don't know where the other bits I've got have gone, when that arrives I'll start on the blue dread,

I bought one of the new plastic Contemptors and need to check what else I have to make a Talon of 3 of those, I know I have at least one of the terrible monopose ones somewhere, so might need 1 more. I have a Scorpius Missile tank and the World Eaters codex coming this weekend.

And Warhammer Fest shopping list is forming, 

{fingers crossed} Heresy era Indomitus Terminators are released either before or on the day.

A box of Cataphracttii Terminators

3 of the event minis

And a Land Raider Proteus.

When it comes to photos I'm debating to take a decent camera for really good photos or ensure the battery pack is charged up take that so I can upload on the go. 

Friday 3 February 2023

February Update.

 I did get the Primaris box out yesterday and moved the 10th Company to their own box to give me some space in the 5th Company box, as well as moving over a Company Master, a Librarian and the Phobos Librarian action Ezikael.

I called it a day after that as I'm going to need a day when I can just not worry about having a big box out, and a table full of marines while I squad everything up, match arms up and organise everything and decided if 9 put them in a proper case or keep them in the current box.

So yes fingers crossed I can get 1 Dreadnought finished on what is laughingly called my day off next week as I have a team meeting to attend. At least I'm not waking up there as well.

Also I did a test run of getting to Manchester by bus, if there is a rail strike in April. 

I set off from Chorley at 11.10am and got the Wigan bus, then the bus to Leigh and then the bus to Manchester getting in to Piccadilly Gardens at 2.15. I'd gone to get some Vietnamese food from a place on Oxford Rd and order myself some Pho. 

It was some of the best food I've had and I felt much better after eating it, but not a another 3 bus, 4 hour journey. So I got the Bolton bus back. This one only took an hour and half to get to Bolton and the 125 was it's usually self. I set off at 3.45pm and got home at 6.30pm. So my take away from this is, if there is a rail strike on the 29th of April I'm up early for the first bus to Bolton, and then the Manchester bus and a quick walk down to Central Station and the Warhammer Fest. Let us hope the dispute is settled so I'm not spending 6 hours travelling and potentially bringing several boxes of stuff back on 2 buses. The only advantage is fares are £2, so it'll be £8 to get me there and back.