Saturday 25 November 2023

Land Raider Proteus Carrier

 Got the land Raider Proteus Carrier out of the box the other day, getting it built while watching the Vegas GP, would have been better in day light so you could see the hotels and the live stream preview with the new DA.

I know it's an old story here but this a nice and easy kit to put together, the nose section is a better build than the Spartan or I just found it easier on this one, can't be sure which it is.

I got the Land Raider Protius Carrier finished with details and highlights. Just need to get the big box down for a family photo. 

Sunday 19 November 2023

Blue Sky Target Close

With realising or remembering that I only needed to get the Land Raider Proteus finished and I'd hit the blue sky targets I got it primed and base coated during the week.

On Saturday I had a lot of shopping that needed doing so once that was out of the way I put the grand Prix qualifying on and was as unimpressed as I thought I was going to be by the Vegas race. I also made a start on the Proteus Carrier.

 The plan for tomorrow is prep chicken for tea, find the chapter icon from the Raven Wing sprue and see if I have 2 of one for the back doors, get a coat of black on it, then details.

Once this is done it's onto this bit of techno heresy.

The latest in a long line of Björn The Fell Handed. There are a couple of Dire Wolves in my eBay basket to give me some more plastic fur to hide the details on this old boy.

I'm probably going about this the worst way possible but that would not be the first time. I do have the Gregor power fist but I'm pretty sure I'll have to find a Terminator arm to attach it to to get a decent fit. 

Friday 17 November 2023

Deathwing Knights Leaked

 Seriously is someone at gw following my blog?

I know this is a potential stretch but that shield design doesn't half look like my chapter icon for The Lion's Blades 

And yes I'm buying these, squirreling the cash away all the time.

Thursday 16 November 2023

Revised Monthly Vow

 Spent most of yesterday going through the Dreadnought boxes and base lined the collection.

As I was checking this I went over the targets for this year and seeing that with only the Land Raider Proteus that I've ignored all year to get those blue sky targets built so found the box and primed it and gave it a black base coat 

So with a day off on Saturday plan A is a bit of shopping first thing then see if I can find a rerun of stream and put that on and start building the tank .

Tuesday 14 November 2023

Monthly Vow 12th of November To The 12th of December 2023

 I missed the target as I didn't make a start on the Brutalis Dreads I instead got my first company out for a photo.

Plans for this month is to get the 2 Brutalis Dreadnoughts done and at least one of the Contemptor dreads or one of the chaos Bjórns. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow lunchtime so can dig both boxes and check what's what. As this is up to the 12th of December this will be the last monthly vow post of this year with a review post around the 12th of December and a plan post around the 31st.

Review Time

First up was the new Terminator Chaplain from the 10th ed refreshed Terminators.

Next up was the box set of the new Terminators that I put the old Deathwing Knights chest plates on. There was a bit of work involved to get them to fit, you have to file a bit of the old body and some of the waist to get them to fit and there's a couple of gaps around the waist that need to be filled or hidden with the arm positions if you want to do this with your own space wolves, blood Angels or Dark Angels.

I'm happy with how these came out, but I still think the original ones I did are better.

And lastly there's the full first company 

This is a life time goal achievement a full first company.

Friday 10 November 2023

1st Company

While waiting for the post man this morning I got the 1st Company box out to get the base line/ lost adjuster proof photo as well as pack the Chaplain and new Deathwing Knights away

I still prefer my first lot of these. 

I also decided to get some scale creep photos while I had everything out. The orginal captain needed something to stand on to give him a level playing field. 

This is one of the orginal metal Terminators next to the new multi part kit. I definitely prefer the new guys. 

 And lastly the old metal Librarian next to the new plastic guy. 

Monday 6 November 2023

Deathwing Knights

 I actually finished these off last week I've just had a bit of mental block when it comes to posting.

As you can see those old Terminator bodies look okay with on the new scale terminators. If you got in close you'd see the gaps but with the arms on it's not even noticeable.

I matched up the shields and shoulders on this and end up using the necron compound metallic for the maces.

I'm looking forward to getting the new Deathwing Knights minis when the dark angel codex drops next year.

Also put a soft order in my my local 3rd party store for the Astartes Christmas box, the one with the assault Intercessors bike and ATV, I just need to count what's in my coin jar tomorrow to firm that one up. I can also only get to bank on Friday to get the money in and I have a delivery coming on Friday that I have to wait in for.

Sunday 29 October 2023



Yesterday I was working on the Chaplain and the hybrid Deathwing Knights 
The Chaplain had a base coat of black templar contrast and a high light of corax black 

The face and chest had an ushabati bone base coat, a sepia wash then a light layer of screaming skull with a high light of palid wytch flesh.

The gold was a liberator hold base, reikland flesh wash liberator gold highlight and an edge highlight of the stormhost silver. 

The hybrid Deathwing Knights had a coat of ushabati bone yesterday then today I started with a Crimson wash on the robes, I'd managed to get coat 3 on before I left for work.

I'd forgotten about the shield and shoulder Angels so I got the wings washed with 2 coats of agrax earthshade and the shield swords done. Plan A for tomorrow is when home get a corax black coat on the Angels and the swords on the shoulder pads started.

Then it's shopping for the roast dinner I'm doing, finish the Chaplain while doing cooking.

With the plan to finish the Deathwing Knights off on Tuesday.

I'll get an updated 1st Company photo when this is finished.