Sunday 29 October 2023



Yesterday I was working on the Chaplain and the hybrid Deathwing Knights 
The Chaplain had a base coat of black templar contrast and a high light of corax black 

The face and chest had an ushabati bone base coat, a sepia wash then a light layer of screaming skull with a high light of palid wytch flesh.

The gold was a liberator hold base, reikland flesh wash liberator gold highlight and an edge highlight of the stormhost silver. 

The hybrid Deathwing Knights had a coat of ushabati bone yesterday then today I started with a Crimson wash on the robes, I'd managed to get coat 3 on before I left for work.

I'd forgotten about the shield and shoulder Angels so I got the wings washed with 2 coats of agrax earthshade and the shield swords done. Plan A for tomorrow is when home get a corax black coat on the Angels and the swords on the shoulder pads started.

Then it's shopping for the roast dinner I'm doing, finish the Chaplain while doing cooking.

With the plan to finish the Deathwing Knights off on Tuesday.

I'll get an updated 1st Company photo when this is finished. 

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