Tuesday, 14 November 2023

Monthly Vow 12th of November To The 12th of December 2023

 I missed the target as I didn't make a start on the Brutalis Dreads I instead got my first company out for a photo.

Plans for this month is to get the 2 Brutalis Dreadnoughts done and at least one of the Contemptor dreads or one of the chaos Bjórns. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow lunchtime so can dig both boxes and check what's what. As this is up to the 12th of December this will be the last monthly vow post of this year with a review post around the 12th of December and a plan post around the 31st.

Review Time

First up was the new Terminator Chaplain from the 10th ed refreshed Terminators.

Next up was the box set of the new Terminators that I put the old Deathwing Knights chest plates on. There was a bit of work involved to get them to fit, you have to file a bit of the old body and some of the waist to get them to fit and there's a couple of gaps around the waist that need to be filled or hidden with the arm positions if you want to do this with your own space wolves, blood Angels or Dark Angels.

I'm happy with how these came out, but I still think the original ones I did are better.

And lastly there's the full first company 

This is a life time goal achievement a full first company.

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