Friday 8 July 2022

This Week's Stuff

 Got a few bits that arrived Tuesday that I'd bought second hand, the Morvenn Vahl, Severalan and Cyber Hound and the Orlocks Veterans, the last one is mostly to make Tank Girl and Jet Girl that I can use in GW stores. I've also got the Victoria Miniatures Ukraine mini, the pilot and dog.

One of my Facebook groups has a monthly challenge, this months challenge is a miniature in a different scale than you normally paint, as this is a true 28mm I'm thinking of entering it in that challenge. 

Serverlan and the cyber Hound have been put together, I dropped the unhelmeted head on the floor and bounced into the Warp, so I'm using the helmet options. The Hound goes together lovely, the head was a really well worked two pieces. I'm thinking of doing the coat in the agrax earthshade leather process, so the plan will be get both in ushabati bone as the pilot has a few bits that I want to do in a leather look. 

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